
Friday, March 12, 2010

Mmm Rice Porridge

Rice Porridge is so yummy in the morning & it's an easy pleaser for most everybody!  So easy- this week I planned to cook rice for dinner one night & I just made sure to cook double so I could use the extra for breakfast.  Then I put it together the night before (in the stainless steel cooking pot I will use to cook it in the next morning) and put it in the fridge.  Easy, yummy breakfast!  To round it out you could serve it with yogurt fruit smoothies (add in some greens & no one will know) giving you added nutrients, fiber, protein & probiotics!

This recipe is from the Two Sisters Cookbook website.  Their cookbook is not NT (no soaking of grains) but I have found some good recipes there.

Winter Breakfast Rice Porridge
Serves about 6

5 c. cooked rice
4 c. milk (use whole, organic, non-homogenized if possible)
1 large apple (or 2 small) chopped (don't need to peel)
1/2 c. raisens (can use less, depending on preference)
1/4 c. honey
1 T. vanilla
1 T. cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a large pot (the night before).
Bring to a boil (stir so it doesn't stick to the bottom).  Continue boiling, stirring continuously for 3 minutes or until apples are soft or... after bringing the porridge to a boil the temperature can be turned down & left to simmer for 10-15 minutes.



I linked this post up to the Get the Gluten Out Carnival

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