
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blender Pancakes

This post is a part of the Real Food Wednesday Blog Carnival here.

So, the other day I tried out & found my new favorite pancake recipe!  They're Blender Pancakes from the Sue Gregg Breakfast Cookbook.  If you go to the website you can get a print out of this recipe free.
Blender Pancakes, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways...
*It uses whole grain (I used wheat berries) not flour = fresh!
*It soaks overnight = decreased phytates
*It is so easy to pour pancakes onto the pan from your blender!
*And they're tasty too!

I had bought some wheat berries from the bulk bins of the health food store a few weeks ago- my plan is to sprout them & make bread (not flour- I don't have a flour grinder) using this tutorial.  I haven't tried it yet, but I hope to soon!

This pancake recipe was also a good use for some of my "Cultured Bulgarian Buttermilk" that I talked about in my last post.  I prepared it at night, turned the light on in the oven til I was ready to go to bed & then turned it off & left the batter (in the blender) in the oven.  In the morning when I went to blend in the remaining ingredients it was a little stiff, so I added about a tablespoon or two of water.  We like thin pancakes, but if you prefer thick you might want to try just stirring it up to get it to blend.

This recipe made about 6 servings, which is perfect for our family of 4 because I always like to freeze extra pancakes for later (those are the extra ones there on the plate).  My 6 year old son is an eating machine & I need stuff like that to feed him at odd times during the day- just pop them in the toaster & they're ready!  To freeze, what I do is put a layer in a plastic storage container, then use plastic wrap between layers- that way they come apart easily while still frozen.  You could also try wax paper or parchment paper to reduce plastic.

Visit the Real Food Wednesday Blog Carnival to see lots of other real food ideas!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I would love your participation in my real food and religion series. Please email me so I have your contact info. hhhh147 (at) juno (dot) com. I'll get the details out next week! Thanks!
    p.s. those pancakes look great!


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